Climate Policy as an Impetus for Modernization in East and Southeast Europe

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Climate Change
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Climate Change

The offices of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Kiev, Tbilisi, Belgrade and Sarajevo from 2014 to 2018 will implement a new programme – Climate Policy as an Impetus for Modernization in East and Southeast Europe. The program will assist Eastern European countries to overcome the challenges they face in the way of improving energy, environmental, climate change and sustainable development policies.

Governments of the three South Caucasus countries (Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan) operate with conventional scenarios and have no strategic vision on sustainable development of the energy sector. The modern climate and energy legislation are not in place, important decisions are made without public participation and the main accents are made on the large-scale power plants.

On February 21st, 2014, under the frameworks of our Climate Change program, we have organized the first round-table meeting. The aim of this meeting was to get the recommendations, comments and feedback from the key stakeholders involved in the field. The discussions have identified number of the priorities and objectives our program will be concentrated on in future.

The key objective of the South Caucasus Office of Heinrich Böll Foundation`s Climate Change Program is to formulate practical goals for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the region with inclusion of all key actors in the fields. Through conducting the comprehensive analysis of the national energy systems and challenges posed by Climate Change experience and by applying the strong expertise accumulated over these issues in Germany, the program will trigger public interest, form the healthy environment for the public debates on: climate change, sustainable energy system, benefits which renewable energy and energy efficiency can offer to the region. Consequently the program shall enhance their development at regional and national levels.

The program will be implemented through applying the following principal instruments: energy and climate change analysis, workshops and symposia for experts, public informational and discussion events, promoting energy efficiency and renewables through printed and electronic media, support of advocacy measures, funding of pilot projects and organizing study trips to Germany to equip the relevant entities with better knowledge on benefits of sustainable energy systems.  - Heinrich Böll Foundation places particular emphasis on ecology, democracy and human rights worldwide. The web-site is frequently updated with analysis of ecological and sustainable development policies on a global level.  - The Green European Foundation (GEF) shares the views of European Green Party. One of the priorities of the organization is providing platform for networking between key Green actors at the European level. Currently GEF concentrates its activities on three main policy areas: Energy, Climate Change and Food Safety. - the web-site reviews German Energy Politics, studies German Energy Transition and analyses its impacts on German Economy, Environment and Society.