The careless era for the Abkhaz government is coming to its end. 2012 will be the last year covered by the Moscow-funded “comprehensive plan for the socioeconomic development of Abkhazia”. The local elite was quite spoiled by the gold rain of 11 billion. The path from an ordinary salesman to a nouveau riche owning large real estate, Limousines, and cases of cash (as a rule, such people have little trust in banks), has proved to be quite short for the Abkhaz elite. Even Bill Gates could envy such a speed of becoming rich. But I would like to emphasize – only a speed, because what we have here is not a business with its traditional sense and never meant to be.
Although the program of the aid is called "socioeconomic", in reality it was purely the "social" assistance. In other words, the money was spent on repairing roads, water pipes, schools, hospitals and cultural facilities. Not much has been done in the "economic" direction with the exception of unprofitable projects like the bakery built in small Tqvarcheli (with a population of 4,000). Moscow probably planned to "do better", but as legendary phrase of Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin – "it turned out as usual". As a result, the comprehensive plan has proved to be "a fish" rather than "a fishing rod".
There is a significant difference between serving one nutritious dinner and assisting in earning for living. If it makes no difference whether people work well or badly and if breakfast, lunch, and dinner are guaranteed anyway, even the most conscientious workers will sooner or later lose heart.
Why make any effort if "fish" is guaranteed? Therefore, the Abkhaz economy, which depended on "fish", as time passed, has switched to the idle mode. The central structures if the economy - resorts and agriculture - collapsed in front of our eyes.
If we rely on official statistical data, Abkhazia had the best tourist season in 2007. This was the time when we could rely only on our own capacities. Indicators have incessantly been falling since then.
The authorities cherish no special illusions regarding tourism either. As president Ankvab said at his recent news conference, if the trend does not change, this country will have no tourists by 2020. However, the resorts are still more or less alive, whereas the agriculture as a field of economy does no longer exist. It has been impossible to buy locally-grown tomatoes in the markets for several years already. The well-known Abkhaz brand - tangerines - is not far from this perspective either. In the past, Abkhaz tangerines were sufficient to supply whole Soviet Union, but soon it will be a problem to satisfy even the local market.
We have indeed forgotten how to work and we need to promptly change our approaches. Otherwise, we will remain with nothing after 2012. Even if the "gold rain" continues, it is highly unlikely that it will rain with any different rules. This country could already sense alarming signals of expected changes this year: state dachas, the Sukhumi sanatorium, Akhali Atoni Monastery and others are on the list of what we may lose. We are clutching at free bread while a list of our national values in danger might grow longer. As we all know – there is no free lunch.
The terminology used in the article belongs to the author and not “Liberali”.
The article is prepared with support of Heinrich Boell Foundation. The publication statements and ideas do not necessarily express the Heinrich Boell Foundation opinion.