Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office supported a project “„Greening“ the political Education on the eve of the 2014 Local Self Governance Elections in Georgia” initiated and implemented by the Association Green Alternative in May-December, 2013.
The goal of the project was to ensure that young representatives of Georgia’s leading political parties are interested in green politics and are aware of fundamentals of Green Politics. The objective of the project was also to teach them how to analyze and assess political aspects of environmental and sustainable development perspectives locally and globally.
As a result of the project educational module was developed that was suggested to the Netherland’s Institute of Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) to integrate into the program of its democracy schools. The module enhanced two-day long training on Green Politics and a follow up roundtable discussion. Based on two day training program the school attendees in Telavi, Gori, Kutaisi and Batumi got knowledge on the fundamentals of the Green Politics, as well as understanding on how and why the environmental protection and sustainable development are so important in the International Agenda and how the global perspectives should be narrowed down to the local framework. The follow up roundtable discussion allowed the trainees to practice the knowledge in debating and agenda formulation.