All chapters of the publication Resource "Politics for a Fair Future" are licensed under a Creative Commons license "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported" (CC-BY-NC-ND).
The correct source is "CC-BY-NC-ND Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung". The text of the license can be found here. A summary (no replacement) can be read here.
You can download the single chapters in pdf format here:
- Foreword, acknowledgments, the story of this memorandum
- Summary and key messages at a glance
- Chapter 1: Abundance and equity
- Chapter 2: Drivers of environmental stress and inequity
- Chapter 3: Why has it been so difficult to stop these trends so far ?
- Chapter 4: A normative framing for fair and sustainable Resource Politics
- Chapter 5: Strategies for a fair future
- Chapter 6: What next?