Workshop on Energy Cooperatives (2016)

Reading time: 2 minutes

Women in Europe for a Common Future/Georgia (WECF) and local partners are organizing series workshops in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine aiming to show cooperatives as successful and sustainable business models. This includes exchange of knowledge and experience with international experts. Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies are made accessible for a broad public through information events and citizen participation, thus this project supports the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation action (NAMA). Furthermore, current energy supply and possibilities for renewable energy projects are analyzed. In Georgia, WECF is supporting energy cooperatives since 2015.

On September 23-25, 2016 WECF in collaboration with the Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus organized workshop for gender-sensitive energy cooperatives at resource center of the Rural Community Agency in Misaktsieli.

Goal of the meeting was to found an umbrella cooperative in Georgia and discussion of:

  • Goals, responsibilities, location, next steps;
  • Technical improvement and development of detailed SWH models to be produced in the production facility operated by the umbrella cooperative;
  • Agreement on the technical facilities of the production facility;
  • Discussion of the marketing strategy, etc.