Join the Declaration on the Achievement of Equal Rights for LGBTI Persons in Georgia!

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Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) and Achievement of Equal Rights for LGBTI Persons

The South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, in cooperation with partner organisations, "Women's Initiatives Supporting Group" (WISG) and "Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center" (EMC) have developed an evidence-based long-term advocacy strategy document/declaration, which was elaborated as a result of complex and comprehensive joint work by a stakeholder group composed of governmental and non-governmental actors.

The long-term advocacy strategy/declaration to combat homo/bi/transphobia aims to support the elimination of discrimination against LGBTI persons in Georgia via a complex approach.

The problematisation of homo/bi/transphobia primarily implies the acknowledgement of its complex nature and the fact that in order to overcome it, it is essential to comprehend the issue within a general context. Interventions required in certain areas constantly intersect and, consequently, tackling the issue requires coordinated collaboration and agreement on common principles among various state and other actors.

Overcoming the present challenges calls for solid political will on the part of the government and other key actors, as well as for the implementation of efficient, systemic and consistent policies, which would be recognised and reinforced at the institutional level, ensuring respect towards LGBTI human rights, and contributing to the establishment of an accepting environment.

Joint support from a wide range of organisations, both on the local, as well as international level, will be crucial in achieving necessary potential and driving change.

Download the Declaration

We call on organisations that share the issues outlined in the strategy/declaration to join and confirm their support.

Collected signatures will support further advocacy efforts of the strategy/declaration vis-à-vis specific target actors and play a role in promoting the implementation of the recommendations.

You are encouraged to provide your support via one of the means listed below:

1) E-mail confirmation on the following address:

2) Physical signature on the original hard copy of the Strategy/Declaration (please contact us at: Tel.: +995 32 238 04 67/68; Address: 38, Zovreti St.)

Note: It is desirable that the signature is provided on behalf of an organisation.