Call for Small Research Grants - Women and World War II in Soviet Armenia

The Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Region, Yerevan Branch Office announces a call for small research grants for students, young researchers, historians and anthropologists from Armenia. Within the framework of the research grants, each recipient has to prepare one academic article (length: 15-18 pages) which will analyze the role of women during and after World War II in Soviet Armenia. The deadline for submitting the applications is January 24, 2020.  

Read in Armenian

Reading time: 3 minutes
Gayane Shagoyan's archive - Three Women's old portrait

The academic articles can be about the following topics:

  • The intersection between gender, nationality and propaganda: what role were given to women during and after war?
  • Women as warriors during the World War II;
  • Sexual violence in WWII;
  • Women’s strategies for survival and overcoming traumas;
  • Women’s stories of deportations during war-time;
  • Female images/representation in different types of art (e.g. placards, movies, paintings) during the WWII;
  • War-time letters in the state and private  archives that were sent by women;
  • War-time discourse/press covering women’s issues;
  • War-time experiences and memories of those people who were children during WWII;
  • Women’s work-force in industries and agriculture during WWII;
  • Life after WWII for women;
  • Women’s memory about WWII;  
  • Women’s emancipation practices/stories during and after the WWII.


Young researchers, historians, anthropologists, who have already graduated and students who are studying on the MA and PhD level in the fields of humanities and social sciences can submit their applications. Interested individuals can send their CV (together with the list of publications), a motivation letter and the research proposal (2-3 pages) which should include the literature review and overview of the research methods that will be used within the framework of the research grant. The applications should be in Armenian or English language and sent till January 24 to the following e-mail:

There will be two steps of the selection process: a review of applications and oral interviews (February 3-4, 2020).

The selected applicants will have the opportunity to attend a two-day training (9-10 February 2020) on research methodology. After the training, the applicants will start working on their research grants. While conducting the research, the mentors - Gayane Shagoyan (Leading Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS RA) and Lusine Kharatyan (Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS RA) will advise the applicants. The deadline for submitting the final version of the article is July 25, 2020. The recipients have to submit the final versions of articles in two languages (in Armenian and English language). The selected applicants will also have the possibility to participate in a round-table discussion in September. The amount of the research grant is 500 EURO gross.

The author of the best article will have the opportunity to attend the European History Forum in Berlin on May 18-19. Once a year, the Heinrich Boell Foundation organizes the European History Forum in Berlin, which gathers historians, politicians, social scientists and civil society actors from Eastern, Central and Western Europe at an international conference in order to strengthen the critical thinking about memory politics and debate on Europe’s recent history. The 9th European History Forum will be dedicated to the Women and memories during and after World War II in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. After attending the Forum, the author has to submit the report of the Forum till June 30 which is planned to be published afterwards.