Queer Feelings

Queer Feelings

Collection of Translated Articles


The purpose of Queer theory, by its most common definition, is to challenge heteronormativity and existing, already defined categories of sexuality constantly. It speaks about the specificities and limits of struggles, which are produced by these categories. Queer theory formed the basis for Queer activism. The latter aimed, in parallel with the fight against the firmly entrenched normativity, to identify power relations and privileges in the lesbian and gay movement itself; Queer theoreticians discussed the potential or apparent benefits of their demands and raised issues that have historically been overlooked in the conduct of these struggles. The Queer theory posed the question; did lesbian and gay movement join the ranks of the oppressive system, willingly or unwillingly? Shouldn't the primary demand still be undermining the existing patriarchal and normative order? The Queer theory, like the feminist theory, speaks of change through self-criticism and reviewing own experience, often with gross directness for the observer.

Queer theory, over time, saw the need for talking about failure and feelings. Producing such knowledge and starting a discussion in this direction even turned out to be inevitable. Queer theorists spoke about depression and emotions, the essence of happiness, hope. They emphasized on the cruel optimism, which sometimes becomes a barrier for having imagined life. It became clear that the feeling of constant danger that accompanied the Queer people defined them and closed possibilities for them. There emerged the problem of realization and reproduction based on the chasing success in Queer movements as well, which is an echo of the system and power relations in which we all live.

This publication "Queer Feelings" includes translations of the texts of Queer and feminist theorists, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Audre Lord, José Esteban Muñoz, Ann Cvetkovich, Sara Ahmed, Lauren Berlant, Dean Spade. The reader will see how the themes mentioned above are intertwined and intersected in these texts and leave valuable space for criticism and rethinking the strategies for Queer struggle.

We should note that the tradition of translating feminist and queer theory texts, for the Heinrich Boell Foundation's Tbilisi office, also aims to support feminist and queer experts. The scholars have worked on translations, elaborated specific terms in the Georgian language, believing they could contribute to the establishment of feminist knowledge in scientific space in general.

The texts included in the book were translated by Salome Kinkladze, Nargiza Arjevanidze, Anna Iluridze, Lasha Kavtaradze, Mariam Kajaia and Nukri Tabidze. The scientific editor, Anna Rekhviashvili, worked hard to develop the concept of the book and accompanied each stage of the working process. The devotion and cooperation that Anna, the translators and the language editor has put into delivering the book to the reader in this form are invaluable.

We hope that the translation of Queer theory texts into Georgian will be an essential step in initiating and deepening local discussions on these issues. We also believe it encourages new researches and articles and contributes to a positive change in Georgia.

Stefan Meister, Director

Mariam Tchantchaleishvili, Program Coordinator

Heinrich Boell Foundation Tbilisi Office – South Caucasus Region

Product details
Date of Publication
hbs Tbilisi
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents

გამომცემლის წინათქმა

შესავალი /ანა რეხვიაშვილი/

პარანოიდული კითხვა და რეპარაციული კითხვა. ან - შენ ისეთი პარანოია გაქვს, რომ გგონია, ეს სტატია შენზეა /ივ კოსოვსკი სეჯვიკი/

უტოპიის განცდა /ხოსე ესტებან მუნოზი/

ეროტიზმის გამოყენება: ეროტიკულობა, როგორც ძალა /ოდრი ლორდი/

სიხარულის ჩაშხამება ფემინისტურად - ფემინიზმი და ბედნიერების ისტორია /სარა აჰმედი/

ულმობელი ოპტიმიზმი /ლორენ ბერლანტი/

დეპრესია - საჯარო გრძნობა. შესავალი /ენ ცვეტკოვიჩი/

ტრანსფობიისა და ძალაუფლების გადააზრება - უფლებების ჩარჩოს მიღმა /დინ სპეიდი/

Publisher's note