Philipp Zimmermann - intern of the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation (April-June 2022)

During the internship, I got insights into the diverse focus areas and projects by the hbs. I got involved in the areas of gender democracy, urban development, and international relations. Furthermore, I was entrusted to prepare a discussion on postcoloniality in international cooperation and mediate a debate among the hbs staff members.
My personal highlight was that the hbs encouraged me to conduct my own independent research project on the intersection of student housing and educational equity. hbs provided me with relevant contacts in the field of urban planning, human geography, and educational sciences while supporting me with regular feedback consultations.
Throughout my stay, I witnessed interesting transformations within Georgian society, such as the societal tensions following the influx of Russian migrants, the rejection of the application for EU membership candidacy, and the subsequent protests. The experience encouraged me to continue pursuing my interest in the region and provide me with valuable knowledge and contacts. The team of hbs ensured that my internship was a great experience and provided me with great flexibility to work on the topics of my own individual interest.