Derek Wall is the International Coordinator of the Green Party of England and Wales. He joined the Green Party in 1980, when it was known as the Ecology Party. He was Principal Speaker of the Green Party between 2005-2007 and is a local councilor in Winkfield, Berkshire. He has had eleven books on green politics published. He teaches New Radical Political Economy at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His main academic interest is in the work of Elinor Ostrom, the only woman, so far, to win a Nobel Prize for economics, for her work on commons (collective forms of ownership). His books on commons include The Commons in History (MIT 2014) and The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom (Routledge 2014). He is also a founding member of Green Left and the Ecosocialist International Network. As a patron of Peace in Kurdistan he works closely with Kurdish activists in the UK.
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