Elona Artamonova
hbs scholarship holder 2006, Tbilisi

Elona Artamonova was born in Baku in 1981. In 1997, she finished high school № 5 and started her studies at Baku State University at the faculty of social sciences and psychology. Elona graduated in sociology in 2001. In 2000, she was a foundationer of the students’ programme of ISAR-Azerbaijan. Elona has worked in different projects and is a member of several NGOs.

In the context of her Heinrich-Boell-Foundation scholarship, Elona is carrying out research related to “Family planning and sexual equality in today’s Azerbaijan”. She analyses changes in birthrates, which are more and more accompanied by the practice of selective abortions connected with favouring the births of male progeny.

Research topic: Практика Селективных Абортов и гендерный Порядок в Азербайджане