Yuliya Gureyeva-Aliyeva
hbs scholarship holder 2006, Tbilisi

Yuliya Gureyeva was born in Ganja, Azerbaijan on 25 September, 1980. In June 2001 she graduated with distinction from the Academy of Public Administration Department of International Relations. In June 2003 she completed her Master’s Degree with merit from the Central European University (Budapest), Department of Gender Studies.

Since 1999 she was engaged in various NGO programs aimed mainly at women and children’s issues. In February 2004 Yuliya joined Azerbaijan Gender Information Center as Consultant-Researcher and participated in the number of Center’s projects. After the Center joined National Violence against Women Monitor Program in June 2004 she was appointed as a National Monitor on gender-based violence issues. She also lectured a course on Gender Studies in Western University in Baku.

In April 2005 she joined International Rescue Committee as Information and Media Specialist for ABAD project, which is aimed at business development in the rural areas of Azerbaijan.

Main research interests include gender studies: teaching methodology, debates and paradoxes; violence against women – causes and direct and indirect responses to the problem; identity formation and transformation.

Research supported by Heinrich Boell Foundation is “Azerbaijan Gender Community in Development or Creation of Alternative Gender Studies”.

Research topic: Национальный «Гендер»: Made In Azerbaijan