In 2016 organization World Experience for Georgia (WEG) in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation emplements project Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change.
The main goal of the project "Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change" was to raise the awareness and capacity of civil society organizations and public entities in climate and sustainability issues, processes and mechanisms; to facilitate their engagement and informed participation in policy making and public discourse, based on facts and research, leading to effective participation of Georgia in Climate Change combatting process.
The vision of the project is to develop and conduct the training course and material of international standard on climate and sustainability in Georgian in Ilia State University (ILIAUNI). The project will bring together the representatives of civil society, public entities and scholars together with the lead CC experts in Georgia, in a higher education institution, to provide them the current knowledge and best practices in climate change mitigation and adaptation and thus to enable for informed policy making, inclusive and substantive dialogue and purpose oriented practical research in Climate and sustainability issues
The main objectives of the project include:
- Prepare and approve a syllabus and develop the training material in Georgian for certification course on climate change policy.
- Deliver the course to the lead CSOs and Public entities
- Promote inclusive and educated discussion of CC issues between main actors
- Develop and edit a handbook on CC that showcases the practical approaches applicable in Georgia for the use in policy making and education process
- Incorporate the developed material in ongoing undergraduate and graduate courses
- Establish networking and cooperation among SCOs, public entities and climate change experts, education and research organization
- Provide sustainability of the project and prepare grounds for future courses