The Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) in Georgia and Public Information and Need of Knowledge (PINK) in Armenia, in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boll Foundation, are announcing a Call for Project Proposals for a small grants component within the EU-funded action Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia (2015-2017).
The small grants scheme will be open to all applicants and preference will be given to the participants of the capacity building trainings for civil society organizations that were conducted within the framework of the aforementioned project. LGBTI initiative groups in Armenia will also be able to participate. Applicants are encouraged to focus on one specific result.
The topics of the proposed small grants projects must focus on or contribute to the promotion of the key recommendations given in the studies on the homo/bi/transphobic societal attitudes in Armenia and Georgia and the assessment of the legal situation of LGBTI persons in Armenia and Georgia.
The results of the small grants competition will be announced in January 2017 and the tentative launch of the projects is planned for February 2017. The duration of each project should not exceed 5 months in Armenia and 6 months in Georgia. The total budget should not exceed EUR 5,000-7,000 per project. Collaborative initiatives are encouraged and regional focus, as well as the willingness to establish regional networks, will be considered an asset.
The proposals will be evaluated based on the feasibility of the action, profound problem analyses and needs assessment, cost-efficiency, accuracy and clarity of the project description, incorporation of organizational development vision and etc.
Project proposals should be submitted using the predefined application form and include a detailed project description, including:
- Overall and specific objectives (output/outcome/impact level);
- Results and activities;
- Budget breakdown (submitted in EUR as a separate Excel file);
- Information on the implementing organization and CVs of the project team.
The project proposals should be either submitted in English entirely or in the local language and offer a brief summary in English.
Applications that do not satisfy the above criteria, or those submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed.
The deadline for submission of small grants project proposals is Monday, December 26, 2016.
Please, forward your submissions to the following addresses:
Georgia: pm@women.ge | annagunia000@gmail.com
Armenia: armen.aghajanov@pinkarmenia.org