Last year, Georgia applied for EU membership, and the European Union declared its readiness to grant candidate status once twelve priorities are met. One of these priorities concerns the media environment, which should be free, pluralistic, and independent. Ongoing political, social, and economic developments in the South Caucasus need to be examined from different perspectives in order to provide the population with comprehensive insight and reduce polarization.
The Heinrich Boell Foundation therefore supports the online media outlet Netgazeti in publishing freely accessible news, reports, in-depth interviews, analytical articles, and multimedia materials in the Georgian language. Netgazeti consistently covers political and societal developments in the South Caucasus while maintaining high journalistic standards. It stands out for its unbiased, well-balanced reporting. Two to three articles on the South Caucasus region are published daily, and one analytical article on each conflict in the South Caucasus is released monthly. One of the long-term goals of the project is to contribute to increased acceptance of neighboring countries and their inhabitants and different groups residing there.