"Climax" – Pre-production of a Documentary on Menopause (Sakdok Film, 2023)

Climax" is a Documentary on Menopause Directed by Tamar Magradze and co- Produced by Sakdoc Film. The project seeks to establish the groundwork for a documentary that will make a significant contribution to the discourse surrounding women's sexuality in both historic Soviet and contemporary Georgia.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Throughout history, the female body has been subjected to patriarchal dominance on multiple fronts. Many societies have traditionally assessed the value and productivity of women based on their reproductive years, with menopause representing the end of this phase and often marking a transition to a different, and frequently less esteemed, stage of life. Menopause, in many societies, remains a stigmatized and under-discussed subject, diversely manifested both across and within cultures, including within Georgia.

Tamar Magradze conducted archival research on the Soviet-era Georgian literature surrounding sexuality and menopause (or "climax" - a term frequently used by Georgians to describe this change in the reproductive system). Based on the research findings Sakdoc and Tamar Magradze developed a teaser for the first chapter of the film and a consulting treatment for the experimental documentary film ‘Climax’.