In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region, APRI Armenia implemented a project titled “Strengthening EU-Armenia Relations.”

While the world enters the post-unipolar era, with rivalry and competition among great powers becoming the new feature of the emerging global order, Armenia, facing pressure from Azerbaijan and Turkey, seeks to recalibrate its relations with its foreign partners. The EU and several Member States have deepened their relationship with Armenia since the signature of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement in 2017. The EU has significantly increased its involvement in the Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiation process after the 2020 second Nagorno Karabakh war. Several factors, including the 2020 war and the launch of Ukraine's invasion by Russia in February 2022, have accelerated the discussions about the need for a diversification of Armenian foreign and security policy. Following the military takeover of Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan in September 2023, the EU has made strengthening EU-Armenia relations a priority, a move that also supports Armenia’s diversification approach as part of its deterrence strategy.
The project aims to provide a better understanding of the evolving and multifaceted EU-Armenia relationship. In particular, the project seeks to contribute to defining a strategy for EU-Armenia relations and develop policy recommendations distributed to stakeholders.
The analytical report developed as a result of the project is available here.