Empowering Communities Through Participation and Awareness in Climate Policy Implementation in Armenia (2024) In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region, “Ecolur” Informational NGO implements a project titled “Empowering Communities Through Participation and Awareness in Climate Policy Implementation in Armenia.”
Social-ecological engagement for resilience (2024) In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region, the Centre for Community Mobilization and Support NGO implements a project titled “Social-ecological engagement for resilience.”
Russian Leverage in Armenia (Regional Center for Democracy and Security 2024) In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region, the Regional Center for Democracy and Security implements a project titled “Russian Leverage in Armenia.”
Journalists against Corruption (Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center NGO, 2024) In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region, Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center NGO implements a project titled “Journalists, against Corruption.”
Strengthening EU-Armenia Relations (APRI 2023) In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Yerevan Office – South Caucasus Region, APRI Armenia implemented a project titled “Strengthening EU-Armenia Relations.”
Localizing Genocide Memory ( Hazarashen 2023) Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office-South Caucasus Region in cooperation with “Hazarashen” NGO implements a project called “Localizing genocide memory in the land/scape(s) of Armenia: A pilot study of the Malatia-Sebastia neigbourhood Soviet and post-Soviet topography – part II”.
Raising Environmental and Economic Inconsistencies of the Mining Strategy of Armenia ( Ecological Right 2023) Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office-South Caucasus Region in cooperation with “Ecological Right” NGO implements a project titled “Raising environmental and economic inconsistencies of the mining strategy of Armenia based on international best practice”․
The Individual and the Public: Texts on the Relationship (Socioscope 2022 - 2023) The goal of the project is to promote critical discussions among Armenian researchers, social scientists, social science students, as well as civil society representatives on the prevailing collective knowledge, power, nation, culture, gender, and sexuality.
Visualizing Yerevan (2022) The project contributes to the emerging debate on Yerevan’s urban development by focusing on the complex intertwining between its past, present and future, as well as highlighting critical aspects of current urban transformation.
Localizing Genocide Memory (2022) Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office-South Caucasus Region in cooperation with “Hazarashen” NGO launches a new project called “Localizing genocide memory”.