On June 12, 2015, the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBF SC) organized the regional energy conference bringing together the representatives of academia, politicians, civil society, governmental organizations and international organizations, from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to discuss the prospects of the sustainable energy systems in the South Caucasus Countries.
At the Conference Heinrich Boell Foundation presented its regional energy study South Caucasus Energy Pathways: Opportunities for Development and Political Choices. Specially for this occasion, HBF SC has invited Mr. Hans-Joseph Fell - German Green Politician (former MP 1998-2013) and the leading author of the key renewable energy-related legislation of Germany, as a keynote speaker.
The sessions of the Conference focused on: 1) current trends of the economic and energy development of South Caucasus countries, 2) costs and prospects of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the region, 3) environmental and social impacts of the current energy systems in the South Caucasus and 4) climate politics and preparation for COP 21st.
Mr. Hans-Josef Fell's speach
Hans-Josef Fell. Conference "South Caucasus Energy Pathways" 12 June, 2015 - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

Interview with Mr. Hans-Josef Fell
Photos of the conference