The Heinrich Boell Foundation, within the framework of the 3-year EU-funded action, Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, has produced a number of public service announcements (PSAs) in order to contribute to raising positive visibility on issues related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) rights. The messaging of the PSAs was drawn from the two comprehensive studies on homo/bi/transphobic societal attitudes in Georgia and Armenia, as well as the situational assessment of the legal and human rights of LGBTI persons in Georgia and Armenia that were conducted within the framework of the Action.
The PSAs are being distributed via social media and web platforms in both countries, as well as through local TV in Georgia and are geared towards encouraging a positive shift in societal attitudes towards the group.
The Georgian PSA has been produced by the creative agency, Leavingstone, and the Armenian PSAs have been developed by Deem Communications.
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