Defining and Empowering Feminist Resource in Regions of Georgia [2020]

Reading time: 2 minutes

The level of sexism and traditional understanding of gender roles is critically high outside the capital, which further exacerbates the situation of active women/feminists living in the regions and reduces the possibility for their demands/problems to be adequately addressed.

Despite positive changes in women/feminist actors’ publicity during the last several years, the main focus is still directed towards the capital but not the regions of Georgia. Problems existing in regions are not discussed among broader society, and mainstream and/or digital media do not spot problematic topics and actors. Even initiatives from regions serve the representation of actors from Tbilisi.

The project goal is to contribute development and/or empowerment of feminist resources in the selected regions, by Identifying local actors and the formation of the feminist agenda by a specially prepared educational module. This should initiate discussions and make regional feminist voices vocal and heard in the broader public discussions.

Therefore, to define and empower new actors is crucial for the development of civil society in regions, as well as to vocalize regional problems for wider society.