Gender in Scholarship Papers

Reading time: 2 minutes

Gender politics, feminist analysis and discourses have always been one of the main priorities of the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Germany as well as beyond its borders. Each International Office of the Foundation worldwide aims to promote and support the critique of patriarchal and violent structures of power in terms of gender and struggle against oppression. The Heinrich Boell Foundation focuses its work on all levels, be it social relations, culture and public, or political and economic spheres.

The South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation as well focuses its work on gender issues. Various projects and activities implemented by the Foundation are oriented on developing and improving the culture of gender equality in the society.

Presented material is a collection of works on gender issues prepared by scholars of the South Caucasus Regional Office the Heinrich Boell Foundation's Scholarship Program. The presented studies belong to the young scientists involved in the social sciences in the South Caucasus region, who were at different times the scholars of the Foundation.