Green Academy
Green Academy is a regional platform for young activists, journalists, scientists and politicians for interaction and cooperation on issues related to sustainable development policies. Green Academy promotes principles and values of sustainable and green politics in issues related to the economic, social and political development of the South Caucasus societies, and stimulates public discussions on mentioned principles and values.
Read moreGreen Academy 2022 - a regional platform for young activists, scientists and politicians - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

Green Academy 2022 - a regional platform for young activists, scientists and politicians
Watch video and hear directly from #GreenAcademyGeorgia students, board members and organizers as they take you through the important experiences they had during the week of summer school in 2022.
Green Academy is a network where young social and political thinkers and activists familiarizes with green approaches to social and economic challenges and discuss concepts for green transformation.
"State and Society in times of Coronavirus"
What makes Green Academy different?
Creating a Sense of Togetherness
Green Academy - Creating a Sense of Togetherness - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

"There is lot's of energy here" - Martin Muller
Martin Muller about the Green Academy Georgia - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

"It's mind blowing how different knowledges come together here"
"It's mind blowing how different knowledges come together here" - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

Tomislav Tomašević about the Green Academy Georgia
Tomislav Tomašević about the Green Academy Georgia - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus