Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia

Project duration: 2015-2017
Contact person: Ana Nemsitsveridze-Daniels
E-mail: Ana.Nemsitsveridze-Daniels[at]



სიყვარული თუ სიძულვილი? / Love or Hate? - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

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Երջանկություն | Happiness - Pink Armenia

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ԼԳԲՏԻ անձինք անտեսանելի չեն | LGBTI persons are not invisible - Pink Armenia

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Մարդիկ տարբեր են | People are different - Pink Armenia

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Legal Situation of LGBTI Persons in Georgia

The present report aims at the comprehensive description and documentation of the human rights situation of LGBTI persons and state policies in Georgia. The report reviews the situation for LGBTI persons in relation to each right, identifies systemic problems on legislative, institutional, and human rights levels, and proposes specific recommendations for relevant state agencies.

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