Cinema Express: Armenia – Georgia (2014)

Reading time: 2 minutes

Goal of the project that will be implemented in period of June-November, 2014 is to employ culture (and especially the cinema culture) as an effective medium for intercultural dialogue, conflict resolution, transformation, reconciliation and promotion of social justness and socio-cultural participation in Armenia and Georgia. The project aims to enhance social justice meaning that people of all backgrounds, social standing, and given other factors, should have a free access to cultural product. This aims to contribute in reducing the experience of poverty and (socio-cultural) deprivation in the region.

The key goals of the project also are establishment of the:

  • socio-cultural exchange channel as instrument for social justness and promotion of participatory communities;
  • platform for public discourse on socio-cultural and political issues in order to enhance democratic values, conflict resolution attitudes and integration;
  • alternative channels for distribution and showcase of regional audiovisual and cultural products.

Cinema Express: Armenia – Georgia (CE) will be realized within the frameworks of the socio-cultural exchange channel addressing Armenia and Georgia and their remote regions as target geography. CE with its film exchange programme will be a unique event uniting people of Armenia and Georgia in shared cultural practices. Access to CE screenings and discourse panels will be free of charge and open to public. Refugees and underserved population will be encouraged to participate. In doing so, CE’s social justice and sustainability concept rests on the principles of Green politics.

The project is initiated and implemented by the Golden Apricot Film Festival.