“Masculinities in the South Caucasus: Forms, Hierarchies, and Challenges” follows an interdisciplinary, multi-format approach, containing academic articles, autobiographical stories, oral histories, and illustrations.
In their original contributions, sixteen authors from/based in the South Caucasus discuss masculinities to diverse social phenomena, including, but not limited to, clothing, fatherhood, sports, the military, criminal practices, and sexual identity.
The publication includes the Armenian translation of the political essays of Heinrich Boell. It brings to your attention the political essays of Heinrich Boell, written between the 1950s and 1980s.
This paper discusses the structural and ideological transformations of the Communist party’s official newspaper Soviet Armenia and follows a case-study approach based on the oral history interview.
Read in Armenian
The purpose of the research is to analyze characteristics of the late Soviet-period Armenian samizdat and to study the representation of Armenian-Azerbaijani and Armenian-Russian relations within it.
The research demonstrates how progressive civil society groups became the avant-garde of the Armenian revolution by acting as an inspiration and role model for larger social groups by popularizing various mechanisms and techniques of resistance.
This book is comprised of Armenian translations of seven key pieces that belong to the 1980s feminist theory - however, the articles were selected with an aim to illuminate questions and debates of the feminist thought throughout the history.
This study report "From Prejudice To Equality: Study of societal attitudes towards LGBTI people in Armenia" was prepared by NGO PINK Armenia within the frames of the EU-funded project “Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia” implemented by the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
This study report "The Human Rights Situation of LGBTI Individuals in Armenia. A Practical Assessment" was prepared by Society Without Violence NGO within the frames of the EU-funded project “Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia” implemented by the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
The publication – “The South Caucasus and Turkey: History Lessons of the 20th Century” is the collection of scientific articles prepared by authors from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey presenting the research and analytical materials on the key issues regarding history lessons in the South Caucasus and Turkey.