LGBTI Rights in the South Caucasus Discussed at European Institutions On Dec. 8-11, 2015, the project partners from Armenia and Georgia within the EU-funded action Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, and an LGBT activist from Azerbaijan participated in an annual event organized by the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Ms. Ulrike Lunacek, in cooperation with the Greens/EFA, the EP Intergroup on LGBTI Rights, and the HBS EU office.
Lecture Series: “Women in Armenia: Searching for the Lost Queens” (2015-2016) (closed project) Women’s Resource Center Armenia prepared feminist lecture series by financial support of Heinrich Boell Foundation. Lectures were held in 2015-2016 in Yerevan.
International Gender Workshops (2012-2015) (ongoing project) International Gender Workshop series is cooperation between different offices of Heinrich Boell Foundation and brings together gender program coordinators from respective offices and partner experts.
Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia (2015-2017) (closed project) The Heinrich Böll Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office, with financial support of the EU, has initiated the implementation and overall supervision of a three-year action Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, executed by a working group of NGOs - Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG), Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in Georgia and Society Without Violence (SWV) and Public Information and Need of Knowledge (PINK) in Armenia.
WISG - Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia (2015-2017) Within the framework of the EU-funded action Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, WISG is tasked with managing the components of the societal attitudes study in Georgia, designing the training manual and conducting CSO capacity building trainings; managing the small grants component as a follow-up to the trainings, and implementing the micro grants component to enhancing the visibility of the action and its results.
PINK - Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia (2015-2017) (closed project) Within the framework of the EU-funded project Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, PINK Armenia is tasked with managing components of the societal attitudes study in Armenia, conducting capacity development trainings for LGBTI organizations/activists, and managing the small grants component to follow up on CSO capacity building in Armenia.
Society Without Violence - Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia (2015-2017) (closed project) Within the frames of the EU-funded action Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, SWV will manage components of the situational assessment of LGBTI conditions in Armenia, conduct capacity building/sensitization of journalists in Armenia, implement CSO capacity building trainings, and manage the micro grants component in Armenia to enhance the visibility of the action.
EMC - Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia (2015-2017) (closed project) Within the frames of the EU-funded project Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia, EMC will manage components of the situational assessment on LGBTI people’s conditions in Georgia, conduct capacity development trainings for LGBTI organizations/activists, as well as capacity building trainings for law-enforcement agencies, and meetings with relevant law-enforcement officials, in Georgia.
Kato Mikeladze - Unknown Herstories of Georgian Feminism The goal of the project implemented in the period of July-December, 2013 was to introduce Kato Mikeladze, a feminist activist of the early 20th century to a wider public through research and publication and spread the word about the heritage she contributed to the feminist thought in Georgia.
50 Women from Georgia In Georgia, there are many women who have created new things, who made discoveries, who brought about change and weren't afraid of alterations.