Program Priorities 2021-2023

Reading time: 2 minutes

The Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBF) in the South Caucasus (SC) contributes to the democratization process of the countries of the SC. We support initiatives, which form and strengthen an inclusive political culture that opens room for public participation on democratic development, socio-ecological transformation and gender democracy.

Within the framework of democratic political culture and civil society programme direction, HBF, together with its partners, brings pluralistic and critical approaches connected to Soviet and post-Soviet history into the public discourse. Through using a variety of instruments for discussion, such as lectures, exhibitions and publications, we support platforms for dialogue on memory politics.

Gender democracy is a cross-cutting issue in all our activities, thus, the Foundation works actively to support gender equality, including gender aspects of socio-economic development in the political and public discourse.

Ecologically sustainable transformation is among the important topics HBF concentrates on. Together with our partners, we address the most pressing issues of environmental protection on the societal and political levels. 

As a regional office, HBF fosters discussions on foreign and security policy as well as dialogue for the peaceful transformation of conflicts.

In 2021-2023, civil society organizations can submit applications that focus on one of the programme directions:

  • Memory politics;
  • Green Youth Development;
  • Democratic Political Culture and Civil society;
  • Conflict related issues;
  • Gender democracy with a focus on Care Politics and empowering feminist and queer actors;
  • Ecologically sustainable transformation.

HBF receives applications every year throughout the months of October-November. Please find the application forms here: