The Heinrich Boell Foundation Tbilisi Office - South Caucasus region will offer two scholarships for PhD students accepted for the 2022-2023 academic year PhD program in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Ilia State University. The amount of the scholarship is the GEL equivalent of 400 EUR per month. The scholarship program can last for three years. Interested applicants should send their CVs, short research proposals, and motivation letters in English from September 12 to September 19. Interviews will be held from September 21-22.

Eligibility criteria:
- Scholarship applicants should be citizens of Georgia, Armenia, or Azerbaijan.
- Scholarship applicants should describe in their motivation letter (1-2 pages) the reason why they are applying for the scholarship program, how their PhD project is relevant and linked to the Boell Foundation’s work and thematic focuses, as well as explain how this scholarship will contribute to their future academic career.
Selected scholarship applicants are obligated to meet all the requirements set by the PhD program in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Ilia State University. The scholarship will be renewed every year based on scholarship holders’ fulfillment of program requirements and academic performance. Furthermore, scholarship holders will be required to submit every year a report of their PhD fieldwork or an academic article which will be published on the Heinrich Boell Foundation’s website, and/or participate in discussions/conferences organized by the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
Those applicants, who are getting monthly salaries within the framework of partner/cooperation projects supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation, will not be considered for the scholarship program.
Please send all the required documents to: Subject line: Scholarship Program for PhD students.