Hair Loss, Appearance-altering Practices and New Ways of Seeing the Body The article is based on Ketevan Lapachi’s doctoral research, which explores and analyses practices related to hair loss. To conceptualise these practices, the author provides an overview of literature focusing on the relationship between the body and the discourse, while also discussing new ways of seeing and understanding the human body. By Ketevan Lapachi
Scholarship Announcement The Heinrich Boell Foundation Tbilisi Office - South Caucasus region will offer two scholarships for PhD students accepted for the 2022-2023 academic year PhD program in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Ilia State University.
OUT OF THE CRYSTAL CASTLE – ACADEMIA, SOCIETY AND POLITICS On December 9, 2014 the South Caucasus Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation hosted the Forum OUT OF THE CRYSTAL CASTLE – ACADEMIA, SOCIETY AND POLITICS for young academicians and civil society activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Армяне в Азербайджанской Художественной Литературе: Межгрупповая Граница, Факторы Ее Усиления и Ослабления By Leyla Sayfutdinova
«Национальная История» в Средних Учебных Заведениях в Контексте Образа «Исторического Врага» By Ilham Abbasov