
გადარჩენილი ქალები - Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus

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Cover of the Book

Masculinities in the South Caucasus

“Masculinities in the South Caucasus: Forms, Hierarchies, and Challenges” follows an interdisciplinary, multi-format approach, containing academic articles, autobiographical stories, oral histories, and illustrations. In their original contributions, sixteen authors from/based in the South Caucasus discuss masculinities to diverse social phenomena, including, but not limited to, clothing, fatherhood, sports, the military, criminal practices, and sexual identity. 
The cover of the publication is a collage work based on archival photos of women in medicine

Women in Medicine

"Women in Medicine" – is the name of the project, which aspires to compile Georgian printed periodical publications of the second half of the XIX century ("Droeba," "Iveria," "Tsnobis Purtseli") and to collect archival materials on women's contribution to the healthcare affairs.

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