Projects on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development European Energy Community and Reforms in Energy Sector of Georgia (2017) (closed project) World Experience for Georgia's project implemented in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation in 2017 aimed to facilitate energy reforms in Georgia through public and civil society awareness raising that hopefully will increase policy impact of civil society in policymaking process. Designing the Concept of Tbilisi`s historic district`s development based on public participation principle through the example of “parallel development” (2017) (closed project) In 2017 the Institute of Georgian Architects in cooperation with hbs South Caucasus implemented a project "Designing the Concept of Tbilisi's historic district's development based on public participation principle through the example of parallel development". Sustainable Energy Academy (2016) (closed project) The Acopian Center for the Environment (AUA) in cooperation with hbs organized the Sustainable Energy Academy to create a community of students and young professionals in Armenia who will be equipped to promote and implement sustainable energy solutions at building, district/community, and national levels. Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change (2016) (closed project) In 2016 organization World Experience for Georgia (WEG) in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation emplements project Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change. Green Ideas for Georgia’s Progressive Development (2016) (closed project) The Centre for Cultural Relations – Caucasian House in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, in 2016, implemented a project Green Ideas for Georgia’s Progressive Development. The project, through critical assessment and utilization of European experience, aimed to contribute to rethinking the principles of sustainable development and strengthening Green socio-political agenda in Georgia. Re-Think Metsamor (2016-2017) (closed project) In 2016-17 UrbanLab Armenia and Boghossian Gardens in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation implemented the project Re-Think Metsamor. Energy Transition Study Trip to Germany for Georgian and Armenian Stakeholders On October 12-16, 2015 11 professionals from the Armenia and Georgia participated in the Energy Transition study-trip organized by HBS. The participants were able to meet and engage into active discussions with the representatives of German government, German parliament, business sector, NGOs and think thank organizations and understand how the energy-related decisions are made and at what extant each of those sectors affect on the final decisions. Strengthening the Workers in Industrial Zones and the Young Civil Society Activists for the Protection of the Environment and the Labor Rights (2015) (closed project) The project implemented by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in collaboration with the Green Alternative with the financial support of Heinrich Böll Foundation aimed to support environmental and social justice principles by strengthening the employees in the industrial zones, and the young civil society activists. As well as by increasing awareness towards the existing problem in the society. Energy Literacy to Support Sustainable Energy Policy Framework Establishment in Georgia (2014) (closed project) In March 2014, association “Green Alternative” with financial assistance of the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation has started implementation of the new project that aims to increase awareness around sustainable energy and support development of the sustainable energy policy in Georgia in participatory and inclusive way. „Greening“ the Political Education on the eve of the 2014 Local Self Governance Elections in Georgia (2013) (closed project) Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office supported a project “„Greening“ the political Education on the eve of the 2014 Local Self Governance Elections in Georgia” initiated and implemented by the Association Green Alternative in May-December, 2013. Political Debates on Sustainable Development – Elections 2012 in Georgia (2012) (closed project) In July-December, 2012, Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office supported a project “Political Debates on Sustainable Development – Elections 2012 in Georgia” initiated and implemented by the Association Green Alternative.
European Energy Community and Reforms in Energy Sector of Georgia (2017) (closed project) World Experience for Georgia's project implemented in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation in 2017 aimed to facilitate energy reforms in Georgia through public and civil society awareness raising that hopefully will increase policy impact of civil society in policymaking process.
Designing the Concept of Tbilisi`s historic district`s development based on public participation principle through the example of “parallel development” (2017) (closed project) In 2017 the Institute of Georgian Architects in cooperation with hbs South Caucasus implemented a project "Designing the Concept of Tbilisi's historic district's development based on public participation principle through the example of parallel development".
Sustainable Energy Academy (2016) (closed project) The Acopian Center for the Environment (AUA) in cooperation with hbs organized the Sustainable Energy Academy to create a community of students and young professionals in Armenia who will be equipped to promote and implement sustainable energy solutions at building, district/community, and national levels.
Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change (2016) (closed project) In 2016 organization World Experience for Georgia (WEG) in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation emplements project Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change.
Green Ideas for Georgia’s Progressive Development (2016) (closed project) The Centre for Cultural Relations – Caucasian House in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, in 2016, implemented a project Green Ideas for Georgia’s Progressive Development. The project, through critical assessment and utilization of European experience, aimed to contribute to rethinking the principles of sustainable development and strengthening Green socio-political agenda in Georgia.
Re-Think Metsamor (2016-2017) (closed project) In 2016-17 UrbanLab Armenia and Boghossian Gardens in cooperation with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation implemented the project Re-Think Metsamor.
Energy Transition Study Trip to Germany for Georgian and Armenian Stakeholders On October 12-16, 2015 11 professionals from the Armenia and Georgia participated in the Energy Transition study-trip organized by HBS. The participants were able to meet and engage into active discussions with the representatives of German government, German parliament, business sector, NGOs and think thank organizations and understand how the energy-related decisions are made and at what extant each of those sectors affect on the final decisions.
Strengthening the Workers in Industrial Zones and the Young Civil Society Activists for the Protection of the Environment and the Labor Rights (2015) (closed project) The project implemented by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) in collaboration with the Green Alternative with the financial support of Heinrich Böll Foundation aimed to support environmental and social justice principles by strengthening the employees in the industrial zones, and the young civil society activists. As well as by increasing awareness towards the existing problem in the society.
Energy Literacy to Support Sustainable Energy Policy Framework Establishment in Georgia (2014) (closed project) In March 2014, association “Green Alternative” with financial assistance of the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation has started implementation of the new project that aims to increase awareness around sustainable energy and support development of the sustainable energy policy in Georgia in participatory and inclusive way.
„Greening“ the Political Education on the eve of the 2014 Local Self Governance Elections in Georgia (2013) (closed project) Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office supported a project “„Greening“ the political Education on the eve of the 2014 Local Self Governance Elections in Georgia” initiated and implemented by the Association Green Alternative in May-December, 2013.
Political Debates on Sustainable Development – Elections 2012 in Georgia (2012) (closed project) In July-December, 2012, Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office supported a project “Political Debates on Sustainable Development – Elections 2012 in Georgia” initiated and implemented by the Association Green Alternative.