“The Aesthetics of Humanity” by Heinrich Boell

The Aesthetics of Humanity

The publication includes the Armenian translation of the political essays of Heinrich Boell. It brings to your attention the political essays of Heinrich Boell, written between the 1950s and 1980s.   
Queer Feelings

Queer Feelings

This publication "Queer Feelings" includes translations of the texts of Queer and feminist theorists.

Feminist Theory Anthology: The '80s

This book is comprised of Armenian translations of seven key pieces that belong to the 1980s feminist theory - however, the articles were selected with an aim to illuminate questions and debates of the feminist thought throughout the history.

Tbilisi. Archive in Transition

The capital of Georgia practically presents a new face everyday. Ambitious building projects and large foreign investments are constantly changing the cityscape of Tbilisi. This relentless development is the subject of much debate among the city's residents: what should be preserved and what may be subjected to change? What is available for sale and what is common property? What do we want to remember and what are our sources of inspiration?

The city is ours! Urban protests and politics in Tbilisi

The publication "The city is ours" is the first attempts of the Heinrich Boell Foundation SC to systemically and critically analyze urban movements  emerged in Tbilisi in the recent years (2007-2015) and to define features and strategies of the main groups involved in the social movements in Tbilisi. At the same time, this publication clearly shows the readers and, above all, the urban movement activists the difficulties and problems that followed the protest movements.

Post Oil City: The History of the City's Future

The edited version of the catalogue prepared for the exhibition Post Oil City organized by IFA and Arch+ (initially in 2010), reflects the architectural and urban projects developed and implemented in Asia, Africa and America and responds many other issues.

Georgia: History of Green Politics

Aim of the project was public awareness rising on political and civil green movement through research and publication of the most interesting historic chapters of green movement in independent Georgia.
Kato Mikeladze_cover

Kato Mikeladze: Unknown Stories of Georgian Feminism

In 2013 HBF South Caucasus Regional Office published the first edition of book "Kato Mikeladze: Unknown Stories of Georgian Feminism" to introduce Kato Mikeladze, a feminist activist of the early 20th century to a wider public and spread the word about the heritage she contributed to the local feminist thought.

Playing with Statues: Stalin Here and Now

49 photos and 3 essays presented in this edition is the imprint of the Soviet regime on modern Georgia. This regime had been waging the war against its own people for decades by persecuting its own citizens, restricting their freedom of speech, choice and movement, spying and using violence against them.

Manifold Angles of Gender

This is a publication of materials, a small selection of the papers presented by researchers and activists at the International Conference – Manifold Angles of Gender: Looking through a Magnifying Glass, organized and hosted by the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.

Гендер для "чайников"

Действительно ли так ясно и неопровержимо определяются отличия между мужчиной и женщиной, как это кажется на первый взгляд? Как формируются гендерные порядки и от чего они зависят? Насколько существенны общие представления о "женственности" и "мужественности"? Полезны ли они или мешают в личной жизни и работе?..
Religion, Society and State

Religion, Society and State

Presented publication presents a final result of the lectures and workshops initiated and supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation. In 2004-2005 in Tbilisi 6 lectures and 6 workshops were organized with participation of religion researches from Russia, Georgia and Ukraine.